In order to win single-payer Medicare for All in the United States, medical professionals will need to organize our colleagues and push our institutions to embrace health justice.
National medical societies
Harness the power of these legacy institutions by joining forces with like-minded colleagues across the U.S. See where your specialty society stands on improved Medicare for All.
State medical societies
Organize with colleagues in your community. Check out our nationwide map and join an existing state-level resolutions campaign, or start one of your own!
Labor unions
Build solidarity across the medical profession by working with organized labor. Several prominent unions have embraced single-payer reform alongside their push for better wages and working conditions.
Why organize within medical societies?
Powerful institutions like the American Medical Association present themselves as the voice of the medical profession, and have tremendous influence over our national health policy debate. These institutions have wielded their power to defeat single-payer reform in the past, but their members are increasingly enthusiastic about improved Medicare for All. By organizing like-minded physicians, we can pressure U.S. medical societies to abandon any regressive positions and throw their weight behind single payer.
Read our sample single-payer resolution
Sign up for our resolutions campaign!
Fill out our simple webform, and we’ll get back to you with specific information about PNHP members organizing in your state or specialty medical society. Join forces with them, or start a resolutions effort of your own.